Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Day 9: Pancake mix is a good idea...

 I thought pancakes would be easy to make.  As I wandered around Spinneys I chose to ignore the ready-made pancake mix thinking, 'ridiculous waste of money -- how difficult could it be?'

Well, quite difficult it turns out, 6 eggs, 2 litres of milk and god knows how much flour later.

The children arrived in from school excited at the idea of pancakes for supper.  I had bought ham and cheese in order to make savoury pancakes, and a bottle of chocolate sauce as a treat for the dessert pancakes to follow.

Whisking up the pancake mix (although I think that might be quite an optimistic description of it now, all things considered) I heated up my heavy-based frying-pan and sizzled some butter in it.  Pouring in the mix I watched it bubble and solidify but the second I touched it with the spatula, it fell apart like scrambled eggs.  'Well, the first one never works' I cheerfully told myself' as I scraped it into the bin and started again.  Same result.  And again.  Same result.  I tried changing the heat, altering the ratio of ingredients, but nothing worked.  Just a big rubbery mess in the bin and no pancakes.

We had baked potatoes with cheese and ham for dinner, but it was a miserable little meal and everyone went to bed rather cross.

What they should have looked like
What they actually looked like


  1. Ah Claire...we had this same problem the morning DH made the mistake of asking me what I wanted for breakfast to which I replied 'pancakes'. After a whole batch of duds he went to Spinney's and bought Betty Crocker's mix (the woman is my hero!). Trust me its far less stressful! Just add more milk to thin them down if you don't want the 'American Style' ones.

  2. She's my hero too and makes baking from scratch seem like just showing off since there really is no need..

    However, DH did bring in a box of pancake mix last night to which it said on the box that you had to add an egg and milk...err how does that differ from flour then??

  3. Hate to say it but mine turned out fine. I followed the Amanda Karmel recipe - 100g Plain Flour, salt, 1 egg and 1 tablespoon of melted butter or oil, 300ml milk. You actually add the melted butter or oil to the mix; something I haven't done before and it worked. Leave the batter to stand for 30 mins. I tried the mix in a bottle last year and it wasn't good! You can have pancake day any day so get mixing.

  4. meant Annabel Karmel not Amanda!

  5. Foxtrot, that's the problem, I didn't follow any recipe, just threw the ingredients in together without measuring them. A lesson learned....
