Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Day 10: Smoothie-making

Because of the crashing failure of Pancake Tuesday, I neglected to mention yesterday that we also made smoothies.  Of all the advice I have received from my expat sisters on Abu Dhabi Woman for this experiment, one thing that comes up constantly is the need to include the children in the process of meal-making: along with the sense of ownership over the food, which comes with being hands-on in the kitchen, also comes an obligation to at least try some of it.

Making smoothies is fun for kids-- it's an inexact science, you just throw stuff into the blender and whiz it around.  But into the process you're getting them to eat all kinds of things that they would never touch normally.

We made: Stawberry and Banana smoothies

Bag of frozen strawberries
1 banana
a good slug of pure orange juice
3 big spoons of natural yoghurt
squeeze of honey

Whiz it about for a minute and serve.  The boys loved it, and I even mixed some into five-month-old's boring cereal mush for dinner and he was ecstatic!  Nine-year-old girl refused to touch it since there was a banana in it.

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